Director : Andy Tennant
Producer : Mireille Soria and Tracey Trench
Release date : July 29, 1998
Production studio : Flower Films, 20th Century Fox
Themes : Love, Romances, Desire, Escape

Characters :            
1.    The Grande Dame : Patient, kind
2.    The Brothers Grimm : Kind
3.    Auguste : Kind, loving, patient
4.    Danielle : Patient, honest, loving, sincere
5.    Rodmilla : Rude, unmerciful
6.    Marguerite : Impatient, rude, unkind
7.    Jacqueline : Funny, cheerful
8.    Leonardo da Vinci : Kind, smart, helpful
9.    Gustave : Kind, honest, respectful
10.  Prince Henry : Determined, ambitious, loving, sincere, brave
11.  Maurice : Kind, loyal, caring
12.  Gypsies : Cruel, greedy, disrespectful
13.  King Francis : Wise, assertive
14.  Queen Mary : Wise
15.  Gabriella : Honest, obedient
16.  Pierre : Rude, repugnant

Props : Glass slippers, carriage, paintings, pigs, horses, chickens, spoon, gold coin, bees, bed, dress, sword, book, box, crown, kite, etc.
Settings : Once upon a time / France, house, castle, market, forest, street, pantry, river, library, Pierre’s mansion, etc.

Summary :
       In the beginning of the story, the Grande Dame called The Brothers Grimm to her palace, where the brothers discussed their interpretation about Cinderella story and noticed a painting displayed in the room. The Grande Dame showed the brothers a glass slipper and told them the story of Danielle. Once upon a time in France, Auguste was a widower and also the father of Danielle. Danielle never knew her real mother. Then, Auguste married Rodmilla, a wealthy women with two daughters, Marguerite and Jacqueline. Before died, Auguste gave Danielle a book. Ten years later, Danielle served her stepmother, Marguerite, and Jacqueline in their home.
       One day, Danielle saw a man stealing her father's horse and hit him with apples until she recognized that he was Prince Henry. Henry gave Danielle gold coin to silent her. When Henry was in the forest, he encountered gypsies robbing Leonardo da Vinci. Henry chased the thief and returned the Mona Lisa to Leonardo da Vinci. Meanwhile, Danielle went to the castle to release Maurice, whom her step-mother had sold to pay her debts. Henry heard Danielle argument with the carriage guard and ordered Maurice's release. Maurice was free and soon he got back to work at the house.
       On another day, Danielle and Henry were ambushed by gypsies after stumbled upon each other by a ravine. Danielle resolved the issue and they were kissing for the first time. The next morning, Danielle saw Rodmilla and Marguerite stealing her mother's dress and slippers for Marguerite to wear to the castle. Marguerite insulted Danielle about her mother's death, and Danielle punched Marguerite in the face and chased her until Marguerite threatened to throw her father book into the fireplace. Danielle returned her mother's slippers to Rodmilla in exchange for the book, but Marguerite threw the book into the fireplace. After Danielle is whipped, Jacqueline told Marguerite for not insulting Danielle's mother again.
       During a lunch with Queen Marie, Rodmilla discovered that Danielle was the women that Henry had been spending time with. Rodmilla locked Danielle in the pantry until Danielle's childhood friend, Gustave, asked Leonardo da Vinci for help. Leonardo da Vinci helped free Danielle and made her a pair of wings with her mother's dress. When Danielle arrived at the castle, Rodmilla exposed Danielle’s identity in front of Henry which caused him to be shocked and enraged. Leonardo da Vinci found Danielle's slipper that she lost when fleeing the castle. He rebuked Henry for his attitude and left him with the slipper.
       Henry and Gabriella (the Spanish princess) decided to wed, but Henry cancelled the wedding. Henry searched for Danielle but found that Rodmilla had sold her to Pierre. After Pierre wanted to kiss Danielle, she cut Pierre's face with a sword. Henry arrived as Danielle left Pierre's mansion. He apologized and proposed to Danielle by placing the glass slipper on her foot. Rodmilla and her daughters were called to the castle. King Francis accused Rodmilla of lying to Queen Marie about Danielle. Queen Marie decided to exile Rodmilla and Marguerite to America. Danielle was introduced as Henry's wife. Rodmilla and Marguerite were sentenced to work as royal laundry maids for the rest of their lives. After Leonardo da Vinci gave Henry and Danielle a painting, they shared a kiss. Danielle and Henry lived happily ever after in the castle.
Opinion about storyline & costumes :
       In my opinion, the storyline is very interesting because it’s similar with the original Cinderella story, but with some twist (for example, Leonardo da Vinci acted as the fairy godfather, and Danielle could go to the castle by wearing an incredible gown with wings designed by Leonardo da Vinci). The twist makes the story different from the Cinderella which makes the audiences not too bored to watch it. The costumes is also nice which shows us the clothes people wear in the 16th century that brings the nostalgic feelings toward the audience when seeing this movie. Some of the gown is quite hard to make because the skirt is very big and it has a lot of jewellery to make it shiny and luxurious (attracting our eyes). Overall, "Ever After" is a great movie because it offers a wonderful love story. It teaches us that we have to love someone sincerely from our deepest heart without any coercion and we have to fight for our love no matter the situation is.
Recommendarion :
       In my opinion, the audience that should watch this movie is dating couples because this movie shows the true love triumphing over huge obstacles that is sure to warm the hearts of dating couples. It teaches us that we have to love someone geinuinely without any coercion and we have to fight for our true love no matter the obstacles is which gives dating couples some inspiration about having a good love relationship. I do not recommend this movie to be watched by children of young ages because there are a lot of kissing scene that isn’t appropriate for children to watch because because they are not old enough to understand about love and can simply fall into sexual sin if they misunderstand this movie. If the children want to see the film, parents have to teach them that kissing before married is strictly prohibited by the dogma, so they will not fall into sexual sin easily. Thank you.

       Ever After  is a romantic drama film inspired by the Cinderella story. The action took place in the Château de Hautefort in the Dordogne region of France. It is directed by Andy Tennant and starred by Drew Barrymore as Danielle, Anjelica Huston as Rodmilla, and Dougray Scott as Prince Henry. It is produced by Mireille Soria and Trancey Trench, together with the Flower Films and 20th Century Fox Production Studio. It is released on July 29, 1998, and premiered in the United States. The main theme of the film is love, romances, desire, and escape-all of which are match with the Cinderella story.
       The story begins with the Grande Dame called The Brothers Grimm to her palace, where the brothers discussed their interpretation about Cinderella story and noticed a painting displayed in the room. The Grande Dame showed the brothers a glass slipper and told them the story of Danielle. Once upon a time in France, Auguste was a widower and also the father of Danielle. Danielle never knew her real mother. Then, Auguste married Rodmilla, a wealthy women with two daughters, Marguerite and Jacqueline. Before died, Auguste gave Danielle a book. Ten years later, Danielle served her stepmother, Marguerite, and Jacqueline in their home.
       One day, Danielle saw a man stealing her father's horse and hit him with apples until she recognized that he was Prince Henry. Henry gave Danielle gold coin to silent her. When Henry was in the forest, he encountered gypsies robbing Leonardo da Vinci. Henry chased the thief and returned the Mona Lisa to Leonardo da Vinci. Meanwhile, Danielle went to the castle to release Maurice, whom her step-mother had sold to pay her debts. Henry heard Danielle argument with the carriage guard and ordered Maurice's release. Maurice was free and soon he got back to work at the house.
       On another day, Danielle and Henry were ambushed by gypsies after stumbled upon each other by a ravine. Danielle resolved the issue and they were kissing for the first time. The next morning, Danielle saw Rodmilla and Marguerite stealing her mother's dress and slippers for Marguerite to wear to the castle. Marguerite insulted Danielle about her mother's death, and Danielle punched Marguerite in the face and chased her until Marguerite threatened to throw her father book into the fireplace. Danielle returned her mother's slippers to Rodmilla in exchange for the book, but Marguerite threw the book into the fireplace. After Danielle is whipped, Jacqueline told Marguerite for not insulting Danielle's mother again.
       During a lunch with Queen Marie, Rodmilla discovered that Danielle was the women that Henry had been spending time with. Rodmilla locked Danielle in the pantry until Danielle's childhood friend, Gustave, asked Leonardo da Vinci for help. Leonardo da Vinci helped free Danielle and made her a pair of wings with her mother's dress. When Danielle arrived at the castle, Rodmilla exposed Danielle’s identity in front of Henry which caused him to be shocked and enraged. Leonardo da Vinci found Danielle's slipper that she lost when fleeing the castle. He rebuked Henry for his attitude and left him with the slipper.
       Henry and Gabriella (the Spanish princess) decided to wed, but Henry cancelled the wedding. Henry searched for Danielle but found that Rodmilla had sold her to Pierre. After Pierre wanted to kiss Danielle, she cut Pierre's face with a sword. Henry arrived as Danielle left Pierre's mansion. He apologized and proposed to Danielle by placing the glass slipper on her foot. Rodmilla and her daughters were called to the castle. King Francis accused Rodmilla of lying to Queen Marie about Danielle. Queen Marie decided to exile Rodmilla and Marguerite to America. Danielle was introduced as Henry's wife. Rodmilla and Marguerite were sentenced to work as royal laundry maids for the rest of their lives. After Leonardo da Vinci gave Henry and Danielle a painting, they shared a kiss. Danielle and Henry lived happily ever after in the castle.
       The plot of the film is great and very interesting because it’s similar with the original Cinderella story, but with some twist (for example, Leonardo da Vinci acted as the fairy godfather, and Danielle could go to the castle by wearing an incredible gown with wings designed by Leonardo da Vinci). The twist makes the story different from the Cinderella which makes the audiences not too bored to watch it. The costumes is also nice which shows us the clothes people wear in the 16th century that brings the nostalgic feelings toward the audience when seeing this movie. Some of the gown is quite hard to make because the skirt is very big and it has a lot of jewellery to make it shiny and luxurious (attracting our eyes). Overall, "Ever After" is a great movie because it offers a wonderful love story. It teaches us that we have to love someone sincerely from our deepest heart without any coercion and we have to fight for our love no matter the situation is.
       In my opinion, the audience that should watch this movie is dating couples because this movie shows the true love triumphing over huge obstacles that is sure to warm the hearts of dating couples. It teaches us that we have to love someone geinuinely without any coercion and we have to fight for our true love no matter the obstacles is which gives dating couples some inspiration about having a good love relationship. Due to the action in the film, I do not recommend this movie to be watched by children of young ages because there are a lot of kissing scene that isn’t appropriate for children to watch because because they are not old enough to understand about love and can simply fall into sexual sin if they misunderstand this movie. If the children want to see the film, parents have to teach them that kissing before married is strictly prohibited by the dogma, so they will not fall into sexual sin easily.
       Ever After is surely a movie worth seeing, especially because it teaches us the true meaning of love which is loving each other loyally from our deepest heart and we have to fight for our love no matter the obstacles are. Even though the film is not appropriate for children to watch it, it still teaches the right example of having love relationship. The main element in having love relationship is loyal and without it, we can’t fell the true meaning of love (the joy, the happiness, etc).

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